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Goal Setting and The Self Hypnosis Achieve System

Goal Setting Hypnosis 1 - Hypnosis 2

self hypnosis

I = Identify

Now that you've laid the groundwork toward moving beyond the past, you're to create the future. It's time to establish the affirmations you will be using throughout whatever period you choose for your outcomes.

Through self-hypnosis & hypnotherapy, you'll go into alpha and repeat your declaration, which compound the effects of your suggestions (i.e., affirmations) so they're even more powerful than when used on the conscious level. You'll find you are able to use self hypnosis to reach your goals even faster when you combine your effectively-written statement with the power of hypnotherapy and auto-suggestion.

E = Energy

To cultivate optimal physical abilities you want to have your body in the best physical condition to perform.

This means paying attention to your energy levels and what affects them.
  • Can you get adequate rest?
  • Do you eat well?
  • Are you getting plenty of exercise?
  • Can you avoid negative people?
You should be aware of how your body responds to your environment and react appropriately to any signals it sends you. When you learn to have complete body-awareness, you are able to perform with additional rhythm and fluidity. Remember Natural Law #7: Reactions must be managed. How you react to what is around you affects your health and your performance.

V = Visualize

Now to make your own home movie out of your outcomes; this is when Theater of the Mind is most helpful. See everything about your outcome, from every angle, including panning around the environment and zooming in on yourself as well as your surroundings . Zoom in on all of the spectators as they are in awe of your performance, and in awe of how fabulous you look.

E = Evaluate

Evaluation is a critical component to achievement and should be scheduled into your idea to achieve peak performance. Points of evaluation in your project allow you to decide if the manner and direction in which you are progressing is acceptable to you. And if it isn't, it gives you the opportunity to regroup and redirect: to chart a different course or use a different strategy and continue in the same direction.

The rationale for building points of evaluation is that those points prevent you from going too far in the wrong direction. If you wait too long to evaluate your strategy and your progress, often there is so much wrong with what you are doing that you can't pinpoint the initial place or period when you veered off plan.

This is what I suggest: evaluate your idea and your progress once a week. Decide in advance what progress looks like so you know if you have reached it. It doesn't have to involve anything more sophisticated than a "yes" or a "no."

Success is Rarely an Accident

Frank Lloyd Wright once said: "I know the price of success: dedication, hard work and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen." If you have that unremitting devotion and you are dedicated to putting in the work you need to follow the steps of your self hypnosis and Goal Setting plan, attainment will be yours because you believe it already is...

Goal Setting Hypnotherapy One - Hypnotherapy Two
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Hypnotherapy and self hypnosis can have a tremendous effect on your ability to set goals and persevere. Read about self hypnosis on this website Self-Hypnosis-Hypnotherapy.com or on any of the hypnosis pages linked to this hypnotherapy webpage. All hypnosis and hypnotherapy CD's on Self-Hypnosis-Hypnotherapy.com come with a Money Back Guarantee.

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